Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Several ways for ornamental flowers stay fresh

Maintaining the flowers are tricky. There are several things that must be considered to ornamental flowers always look fresh. So that you are more skilled care, consider the following tips first. The presence of flowers in a room often gives the feel of a refreshing and calming. Flowers are scented and can deliver a variety of colors to our eyes the beautiful scenery that has tired of working all day in front of the computer. But of course the freshness of interest must be maintained. There are several ways to retain its freshness before he completely wilted.
1. Common things that should be done of course is watered the flowers. Always check water levels. Do not let the flowers lack of water. Fill the vase with water up to always be full. For roses, better fill the vase with water that is lukewarm. Do not get your cut flowers wither.
2. For beroasis vase. Try to stay wet oasis so that interest could continue to absorb water from there.
3. Do not occasionally let the leaves fall and submerged in water vase. Because Bial will be easy to let the leaves rot and cause bacteria. Water that has poisoned the bacteria is not good when absorbed by the flowers. As a result it will cause flowers to wilt and mampak dull.
4. Do not place your ornamental flowers in a place exposed to direct sun or place that produces hot and dry. It can cause flowers to wither and dry. Keep the plants flower decoration in a cool place with a balanced temperature.
5. Avoid placing flowers near the fruit is ripe. Ripe fruit is usually releases ethylene gas that can accelerate the development of flowers. It could also accelerate the plants flower decoration wither and die.
6. Avoid holding the frequency of flower stalks and squeezes let alone injure the stem using blunt scissors. It can destroy tissue and make the water absorbing rate to stress. Flower care, flower decoration should be done since the first time you buy flowers. It must be remembered that the flower decoration should not be too long to live without water. When buying flowers, and if still takes a long time to reach home, you should wrap the base of the flower stems with wet paper or foam base. Now the flowers on your desk will be more beautiful and useful to relieve fatigue and stress.

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Gardenia Meaning

Gardenia (Gardenia Augusta) or better known as the gardenia is widely planted as an ornamental plant in pots or as a hedge plant. Flowers fragrant aroma and distinctive. The flowers were beautiful, looks like a rose with editorials and tiered circular. The color of white and yellow flowers. The leaves are oval, thick, smooth and shiny on the upper surface of the palm leaf. 

Glass plates called Gardenia Augusta, Merr. Or Gardenia jasminoides, Ellis. Belonging to the family Rubiaceae tunbuhan. This plant is known by the name of the fried dishes, jempiring, bruek foreign minister, and the white king. This plant is estimated to come from China or Japan, but has long been grown in Indonesia. In addition to the yard, one plant is also worth planted in the yard office, parks, or on the roadside as an ornamental plant. Originally, he was the protector of plants, so do not be surprised if the gardenia is also easy to grow wild in the open. 

Now, more and more species, from a small leaf-leaves large, small-flowered large flowers, and even now there are double flowered. Initially, even until now, the color is predominantly white, but now there are also yellow. There is also the color of gardenia flowers from white to yellow. So, when young white, to yellow over time. 

Diligent Flowers Gardenia is actually the sort of cover crops is great. No wonder if he has a decent editorial meeting. The height can reach 5 meters in the open. However, if we are planting gardenias when small, and often trimmed, gardenias can also become a kind of short shrubs, with a height of 1 to 1.5 meters. Gardenia also wonderful planted in the garden or pot because it has leaves that are lush (compact) as well as with the flowers. So, in addition to a shade tree, is also worthy planted in pots (pot plant). This single-leaved plants, with leaves elliptic-oval or elongated.
Better in Open Air Gardenia can flourish in places open and exposed to direct sunlight. Also suitable are planted in an area that is about 400-600 meters above sea level. If planted in a somewhat protected, although still alive and blooming, but the results are not as good in locations that are open. 

Gardenia from a large-leaved species only able to hold two days, when they bloom in unison, it looks very exotic and white uniform. Although only lasting 2 days, gardenias can continue to bloom one after another, even in the rainy season though. Usually, the type of plants that require full heat is not flowering in the rainy season, but not gardenias. He can still flowering in the rainy season 

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011


The gerbera is a genus of south africa origin, where it grows spontaneously in shady area, away from direct light, among high vegetation and shrubs, on highlandds at an altitude between 1100 and 1700m and at latitude of 26 celcius. It is often found betwwn the steppe and the savannah, delimited by the nortern and eastern strips bordering respectively Bechuanaland and south Rhodesia and Mozambique and Natal.

The whole territory of origin is characterised by a warm-dry climate in winter and by abundant rainfall in summer, the annual average temperature is 16 celcius, with a maximum of 21 celcius (january) and minimum of 12(Juli). The average annual rainfall is 650 mm, of which about 140 mm is due to the rainfall in the month of january and 510 mm in the month of July.

During the period August-December (characterised by a strong dryness) the plant loses the whole leaf apparatus and survives solely by virtue of the rhizomatos root apparatus, rich in reserve substances (storage).
The name is derived from the German botanist Traugot Gerber who lived in the XVIII century. The first plants of gerbera were discovered and picked by Robert Jameson, a Scotman who worked for a company of goldmine exploration near Barbeton, in south Africa.

Jameson sent these “new plants” to John Medley Wood of the Botanical Garden in Cambridge, manager and administrator of the garden. After a brief study, he sent specimens to Harry Bolus who subsequently suggested calling the new plants Gerbera jamesonii.

During the first twenty year after its introduction in Europe, important results were obtained from genetic improvements like: more rigid stems, bigger and closed petals, and a greater range of colours. In fact, while the first native plants had only red orange flowers, in this period, among intersections (cross- fertilization) with the Gerbera viridifolia and spontaneous mutations of the plants from the places of origin, there were white, pink and violet flowers, as well as obtaining the first plants with “double flowers”.

Therefore, cultivars on the market do not originated, as is usually read, from the G. Jamesonii, but they are the result of cross-fertilization between thes and the G. Viridifolia, that have produced the actual G. Jamesonii Hybrida.

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Nursery of gerbera (gerbera jamesonii)

Requirements Seeds: Plants propagated by generative and vegetative. Selected seeds from seed germination or that have the power to grow tall and dressed pithy. If the seeds purchased from the store, note the expiration date.

Vegetative propagation using tissue culture / puppies. Tissue culture material using lateral buds from the tree or plant stem gerberas are healthy and of a superior kind. Seedling obtained from a Gerbera plant clumps anakannya lot, its parent prolific flowering, the growth of normal, healthy and superior types derived from plants. Purposes of seedling to be planted in open fields 1 ha around 80000-90000 when the spacing of 25 x 40 cm.

Preparation of Seeds: Seeds from seed sown before dipindahtanamkan to the field. Seeding can be done in tanks or seeding pots and small pots with a diameter large enough. Seedling media should be given a plastic lid to humidity and air temperature remains stable and protected from direct sun. Seeds obtained from the tissue culture of buds taken from the kind of superior immediately inserted into a container containing a material that is Clorax 30% sterilization. Perform sterilization for 20 minutes.

After sterilization with Clorax immediately re-sterilized with 20% HgCl2 for 5 minutes, then rinse with sterile water aquades 5 X. Seeds are separated from the clump of saplings that have been cleaned Gerbera from the ground, some of the old leaf stalks and roots discarded. Each part of at least one seedling.

Seed Seeding Technique:
Seeding in the nursery tanks: Select the location where the seedlings that gets morning sun or in a room that gets 40 watt/m2 artificial light. Prepare a mixture of media seedlings fine soil, sand and manure that has been cooked in the ratio 1:1:1. Give a thin white plastic lid so that the humidity reached 98%. Before placing a layer of media seedling insert broken bricks or tiles approximately 1 / 3 tub nursery. Then fill in 90% seedling media. Seeding Gerbera seeds evenly. After 5-7 days, the lid is opened for 1 hour in the morning. From 7-10 days after seedling lid is opened for 3 hours / day, kemudain the top of the lid is opened to 20 cm from the top to get a humidity of 90%. At the age of seedlings reached 21 days, in the afternoon lifted the lid.

Seeding in tissue culture: Prepare the basic medium of Murashige Skoog medium plus sugar 30 grams / liter, vitamin B and plant growth regulators kinetin plus IAA 5 mg 0.5 mg / liter. PH before heated arranged around pH 5.7 by adding NaOH or HCl 0.1 N Made of solid medium with Difco Bacto Agar (DBA) as much as 7.5 grams / liter. Plant the lateral buds, at the age of 45 days buds begin to form a compound. Results of tissue culture seedlings transferred to nursery and kept sterile until quite large. The next regular nursery seedlings moving into the same medium with the composition of the seed nurseries.

Seeding with saplings: Plant seedlings or seeds that have been cleaned of soil, the roots of old leaves also invested in land nursery with a distance of 5 x 10 CmMaintenance nurseries / nursery: Flush every day 1 or 2 times depending on the weather. Fertilization is done 3 weeks after seedling. Fertilizer solution consisting of 50-10 grams of NPK in a solution of 10 liters of water, while the leaf fertilizer concentration is adjusted with the recommendation. Spacing after the age of 5-6 weeks.

Displacement Seeds: Seeds are ready moved derived seed after 3-5 strands of leafy plants. Seedlings derived from tissue culture ready for planting when the size is quite large, while the seeds are planted from seedlings ready to be moved after the seedlings are strong enough.

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Botanical description OF GERBERA (part2)

The gerbera is defined as a monoicous  plant, as it possesses both massculine organs (stamens) and female organs (pistils) on the same inflorescenence. The inflorescence, typical of the compositeae, are made of small flowers (florets or flowerets) inserted in a singlle spongy cup shaped receptacle (centre or central disc). The small flowers towards the centre are called tubulose flowers, whilst those near the outside are called ligulate flowers. The latter posses a small corolla at the base, a part of which lengthens to form a long, coloured, tongue-like shape, that also determines the coloration typical of the gerbera (red, white, yellow,etc).

The ligulate flowers (also called ray florets or ligulate ray florets) are functionally female, since even if thin file- like stamens (masculine flowers) are present, the anthers (pollen grain) are not formed. The number of ligulate flowers varies from type to type, but generally there are more than 50.

The tubular flowers is a central disc (also called disc florets) have a very small tubular corolla that frequently appears yellow before the anthesis (flowering). Subsequently the corolla opens two form two or more small edges (similar to tiny tongue- like shapes), whose external surfaces are generally of the same colour as the ligulate flowers.

Those flowers (tubular) are functionally male, since even if they posses a stamen with pollen, the external surface of the pistils (stigma) remains seemingly unreceptive (meaning that the pollen cannot enter onto the stigma)

Finally, intermediary forms of inflorescence also exist, generally located between the disc  and the ligulate flowers. These include, hermaphroditic flowers that produce pollen and posses receptive stigmas,and flowers have a base pappus composed of 200 hairs, while the tubuluse flowers have a pappus of around 60 hairs.
The central disc, heart or centreof the inflorescence has a different colour from the ligules. In fact, once it reaches maturity, it can be of a green or brown colour with different shades. The flowering of the head (inflorescence) is essentially proterogynic. Generally the peripheral female ligulate flowers mature first, and then the internal male ones, rendering self fertilization difficult, but favouring crossbreads between the varieties.

From the subsequent studies it also appears that:
Ø  The percentage of autogamy (self- fertility) is about 35%.
Ø  The production of seeds varies notably from variety to variety.
Ø  The plants least fertile with self pollination are also those least fertile with cross- pollination.
Ø  The highest production os seeds is in the period of May- June.
Ø  The inflorescence with a large central disc produce more seeds than those with a small central disc.