Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Gardenia Meaning

Gardenia (Gardenia Augusta) or better known as the gardenia is widely planted as an ornamental plant in pots or as a hedge plant. Flowers fragrant aroma and distinctive. The flowers were beautiful, looks like a rose with editorials and tiered circular. The color of white and yellow flowers. The leaves are oval, thick, smooth and shiny on the upper surface of the palm leaf. 

Glass plates called Gardenia Augusta, Merr. Or Gardenia jasminoides, Ellis. Belonging to the family Rubiaceae tunbuhan. This plant is known by the name of the fried dishes, jempiring, bruek foreign minister, and the white king. This plant is estimated to come from China or Japan, but has long been grown in Indonesia. In addition to the yard, one plant is also worth planted in the yard office, parks, or on the roadside as an ornamental plant. Originally, he was the protector of plants, so do not be surprised if the gardenia is also easy to grow wild in the open. 

Now, more and more species, from a small leaf-leaves large, small-flowered large flowers, and even now there are double flowered. Initially, even until now, the color is predominantly white, but now there are also yellow. There is also the color of gardenia flowers from white to yellow. So, when young white, to yellow over time. 

Diligent Flowers Gardenia is actually the sort of cover crops is great. No wonder if he has a decent editorial meeting. The height can reach 5 meters in the open. However, if we are planting gardenias when small, and often trimmed, gardenias can also become a kind of short shrubs, with a height of 1 to 1.5 meters. Gardenia also wonderful planted in the garden or pot because it has leaves that are lush (compact) as well as with the flowers. So, in addition to a shade tree, is also worthy planted in pots (pot plant). This single-leaved plants, with leaves elliptic-oval or elongated.
Better in Open Air Gardenia can flourish in places open and exposed to direct sunlight. Also suitable are planted in an area that is about 400-600 meters above sea level. If planted in a somewhat protected, although still alive and blooming, but the results are not as good in locations that are open. 

Gardenia from a large-leaved species only able to hold two days, when they bloom in unison, it looks very exotic and white uniform. Although only lasting 2 days, gardenias can continue to bloom one after another, even in the rainy season though. Usually, the type of plants that require full heat is not flowering in the rainy season, but not gardenias. He can still flowering in the rainy season 

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